Define the functions

Private Residence Luxembourg
Private Residence Luxembourg

What do you do in your livingroom?

Step three deals with almost philosophical questions such as: Is your living room really just a living room? Or is it rather a playground, home cinema, and study all in one? It's not always easy to define what we use our rooms for. Nevertheless, it is worth thinking about this and using suitable layers and types of light to emphasise the different areas.


Choose your room

It's not just when you look in the bathroom mirror in the morning that you realise it makes sense to illuminate rooms with a bespoke design. After all, light not only influences our mood, but also our perception. And this applies to every single room. That's why very distinct criteria are key when it comes to lighting the living room, bedroom, or dining room. You can find out what these are and what exactly you should pay attention to when staging a room in our Space Lightguide. Just click through and become your own lighting designer, step by step.

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